Indian Embassy in Syria
The vast majority of our users resort to higher FINDER to quickly locate the diplomatic mission or consular office that's closest to your current location. Consulates, unlike embassies, aren't owned by the states represented at that do not have diplomatic immunity and its services aren't exactly exactly the same as those offered an embassy.
The fastest and most efficient option to resolve any problems together with your visa or passport when you are in Syria and go back to your country is without doubt make contact with the nearest Indian Embassy in Syria. Workers from the consulates are usually officials on the country that hosts the nation not represented. However, all workers Indian Embassy in Syria totally understand your language and will be pleased to assist you.
The fastest and most efficient option to resolve any problems together with your visa or passport when you are in Syria and go back to your country is without doubt make contact with the nearest Indian Embassy in Syria. Workers from the consulates are usually officials on the country that hosts the nation not represented. However, all workers Indian Embassy in Syria totally understand your language and will be pleased to assist you.
Indian Embassy by Metropolis
- AleppoOne from the busiest centers of population Syria is, without any doubt Aleppo with 1.602.264 inhabitants, making it a great candidate to host one or even more Embassy in Aleppo.
- LatakiaIt is nearly impossible to visit Syria bypassing Latakia (with 340.181 inhabitants). ConsulBy presently has an substantial catalog of Embassy in Latakia and surroundings.
- DamascusThe embassies and consulates situated in Syria and exist to help their compatriots to solve any problem as if they had been back home. Follow the link to find out all Consulate in Damascus and its surroundings.
- HomsWe have classified all embassies by nearest town. Given that Homs is one of the six largest cities of Syria, with approximately 775.404 inhabitants, it is most likely that hosts several consulates.
- HamaProblems with Syria authorities? Get in touch with immediately with any in the diplomatic missions borwsed for Hama to find the best remedy with the local authorities.
- Dayr az ZawrDiplomatic missions are usually in populations with greater number of inhabitants. With 242.565 residents Syria is among the most influential centers of population Syria.
Indian Embassy in Syria by State
Top Indian Embassy in Syria
Honorary Consulate of India, Lattakia
Near the Central Hospital, 8th, March Street, Lattakia, Syria.
Embassy of India in Syria
3455, Sharkassiyeh, Ibn Al Haitham Street, Abu Rumaneh, PO Box. 685
Honorary Consulate of India, Aleppo
5th Floor, Shabarek Building, Al-, Etfayieh Al-Qadimeh Square, Aleppo,, Arab Republic of Syria