Embassies and Consulates in Malmö Malmö Kommun > Skåne > Sweden
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The Consulates are responsible for processing visas and permits for persons wishing to visit their country and provide assistance and financial help to needy compatriots or other emergency. Write-up 21 of the 1961 Vienna Convention describes the inviolability of embassies as follows: The premises from the mission shall be inviolable agents in the receiving country may not enter them without having the consent of the head in the mission. The territory occupied by the Embassy is own by the represented country. Its mission is to promote the interests of his country in the host nation, promoting friendly relations between the two countries, promote economic, cultural, scientific, and so on, making state visits, both commercial and political treaties, among countless other functions.
The Consulates are responsible for processing visas and permits for persons wishing to visit their country and provide assistance and financial help to needy compatriots or other emergency. Write-up 21 of the 1961 Vienna Convention describes the inviolability of embassies as follows: The premises from the mission shall be inviolable agents in the receiving country may not enter them without having the consent of the head in the mission. The territory occupied by the Embassy is own by the represented country. Its mission is to promote the interests of his country in the host nation, promoting friendly relations between the two countries, promote economic, cultural, scientific, and so on, making state visits, both commercial and political treaties, among countless other functions.
listed 13 Consulates and Embassies in Malmö
Serbia Consulate , Sweden
Stora Nygatan 60/III, 21137
Consulate of Netherlands in Malmo, Sweden
Skeppsbron 2, Borshuset, P.O. Box 541, 201 25 Malmo, Sweden
Honorary Consulate General of Finland in Malmo, Sweden
Finlands honorara generalkonsulat, c/o E.ON Sverige AB, 205 09, Visiting address: Nobelvagen 66, 212 15
Royal Danish Consulate General in Sweden
Stortorget 13, Box 264, S-201 22
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Malmo, Sweden
c/o Carpings, Företagsvägen, 20-22, Box 15, S-232 21 Arlöv, 232 21 Arlöv Malmö, Sweden
Honorary Consul in Malmo
Sodra Promenaden 53, 211 38 Malmo
Honorary Consulate of Chile in Malmo, Sweden
Radmansgatan 5, 21146 Malmo, Suecia
Consulate General of Austria in Malmo, Sweden
Ostergatan 10 211, 25 Malmo, Sweden
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Malmö
Adolf Fredriksgatan 13, 217 74, -
Consulate of Canada in Malmo, Sweden
Verkstadsgatan 4, 233 51, Svedala, Sweden
Honorary Consulate of Malta in Malmo, Sweden
c/o Hamilton & Co Advokatbryå, P.O. Box 226, 20122 Malmo, Sweden
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Malmo
Vegagatan 10, 224-57 Lund, Sweden
Royal Danish Consulate General in Malmo, Sweden
Stortorget 13, Box 264, S-201 22 Malmo
Embassies by Category (in Malmö)
- Access to this section to get a detailed listing of all Spanish consulates, embassies and representative offices located near Malmö.
- ConsulBy provides all Indian citizens with an updated and verified list of all Indian consular offices so they can contact them with any unexpected situation whilst in Malmö and its surroundings.
- Have a look working with this link a collection of all Nigerian embassies and consular offices placed around Malmö, just in case you need assistance while you're abroad.
- Check the German diplomatic mission in Malmö, responsible for providing assistance and support to any German person while they're visiting the country.
- Access to this section for a detailed listing of all Chinese consulates, embassies and representative offices situated near Malmö.
- ConsulBy provides all Australian citizens with an updated and verified list of all Australian consular offices so they're able to make contact with them with any unexpected scenario when in Malmö and its surroundings.
- Have a look using this link a collection of all US embassies and consular offices placed around Malmö, just in case you need assistance whilst you're abroad.
- Check the French diplomatic mission in Malmö, responsible for providing assistance and support to any French person although they are visiting the country.
- Access to this section for a detailed listing of all British consulates, embassies and representative offices located near Malmö.
- ConsulBy gives all Canadian citizens with an updated and verified list of all Canadian consular offices so they can get in touch with them with any unexpected circumstance while in Malmö and its surroundings.
- Have a look making use of this link a collection of all Russian embassies and consular offices placed around Malmö, just in case you will need assistance when you're abroad.
View all Embassies in Malmö by Country
Consular Offices in Malmö
- Access to this section to get a detailed listing of all Chinese consulates, embassies and representative offices located near Malmö.
- ConsulBy offers all Australian citizens with an updated and verified list of all Australian consular offices so they can contact them with any unexpected situation while in Malmö and its surroundings.
- Have a look using this link a collection of all US embassies and consular offices placed around Malmö, just in case you need assistance while you're abroad.
- Check the German diplomatic mission in Malmö, responsible for supplying assistance and support to any German person when they are visiting the country.
- Access to this section for a detailed listing of all Indian consulates, embassies and representative offices located near Malmö.
- ConsulBy provides all Nigerian citizens with an updated and verified list of all Nigerian consular offices so they can contact them with any unexpected situation while in Malmö and its surroundings.
- Have a look making use of this link a collection of all Russian embassies and consular offices placed around Malmö, just in case you need assistance while you're abroad.
- Check the French diplomatic mission in Malmö, responsible for providing assistance and support to any French person while they are visiting the country.
- Access to this section to get a detailed listing of all Spanish consulates, embassies and representative offices located near Malmö.
- ConsulBy provides all British citizens with an updated and verified list of all British consular offices so they could contact them with any unexpected circumstance while in Malmö and its surroundings.
- Have a look using this link a collection of all Canadian embassies and consular offices placed around Malmö, just in case you need assistance while you're abroad.
View all Embassies by Country